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​Arachidonic Acid, Fitness, and Supplementation

​Arachidonic Acid, Fitness, and Supplementation

Posted by Leonard Shemtob on Apr 06, 2023

Arachidonic Acid, Fitness, and Supplementation

I. Introduction

Its all the HYPE! AA or Arachidonic Acid Supplements has the fitness world in a frenzy, but why!? Well it works for the most part, and that has a big part to do with it, as you would expect. However, I am sure you are here because you want to know and understand why it works, how it works and if its the right fit for you....and oh yea, which supplement you should get that has the right dosage of AA in it. Well, look no further this AA guide is all you need! 

A. Background on Arachidonic Acid

Arachidonic acid is a polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid that is naturally found in the body, as well as in certain foods. It plays a vital role in various physiological processes, including the regulation of inflammation, blood clotting, and cell growth. In recent years, the fitness and bodybuilding communities have taken a particular interest in arachidonic acid due to its potential benefits in muscle growth and recovery.

B. Importance in Fitness and Supplementation

The importance of arachidonic acid in fitness lies in its role in the muscle repair and growth process. When muscles undergo resistance training, they experience microscopic damage that triggers an inflammatory response. Arachidonic acid-derived prostaglandins play a crucial role in this response, promoting the delivery of nutrients to damaged muscle tissue and the removal of waste products. This ultimately leads to muscle growth and improved recovery times.

Supplementing with arachidonic acid provides the body with additional resources to support these processes, which may result in enhanced muscle growth, better recovery, and improved performance.

C. The Rise of Arachidonic Acid Supplements

As the potential benefits of arachidonic acid for fitness enthusiasts and athletes have become more widely recognized, the demand for arachidonic acid supplements has grown. These supplements aim to provide an additional source of arachidonic acid to help support muscle growth and recovery, ultimately enhancing performance and results. As more research is conducted on arachidonic acid and its effects on exercise and muscle growth, it is likely that the popularity of these supplements will continue to rise.

II. Arachidonic Acid: An Overview

A. What is Arachidonic Acid?

Arachidonic acid is a long-chain polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid that is naturally present in the body and certain foods. It is a critical component of cell membranes and plays a crucial role in various physiological processes, such as inflammation regulation, blood clotting, and cell growth.

B. Sources of Arachidonic Acid

Arachidonic acid can be obtained from both dietary sources and through the body's own synthesis. Dietary sources of arachidonic acid include animal products such as meat, poultry, fish, and eggs. Some plant-based sources, like nuts and seeds, can also provide the body with essential fatty acids that can be converted into arachidonic acid.

The body can also synthesize arachidonic acid from linoleic acid, which is an essential omega-6 fatty acid that must be obtained through the diet. Linoleic acid can be found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, and certain plant-based foods.

C. Role in the Body

Arachidonic acid plays a vital role in the body's physiological processes, primarily through its involvement in the production of signaling molecules called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins regulate a variety of functions, including inflammation, blood clotting, and the constriction and dilation of blood vessels. These processes are essential for maintaining overall health and supporting muscle growth and recovery in the context of fitness and exercise.

III. The Science Behind Arachidonic Acid and Muscle Growth

A. The Inflammatory Response and Muscle Growth

The inflammatory response, while often perceived negatively, plays an essential role in muscle growth. When muscles undergo resistance training, microscopic damage occurs within the muscle fibers. This damage triggers an inflammatory response, which signals the body to initiate the muscle repair process. As part of this response, immune cells and various cell signaling other molecules, including arachidonic acid-derived prostaglandins, are recruited to the site of damage.

B. Prostaglandins and Muscle Growth

Prostaglandins are key players in the muscle growth and repair process. They help regulate blood flow to the damaged muscle tissue, delivering vital nutrients necessary for repair and promoting the removal of waste products. This process ultimately leads to the repair and rebuilding of muscle fibers, which results in muscle growth and increased strength over time.

C. Arachidonic Acid and Satellite Cells

Another important aspect of arachidonic acid's role in muscle growth involves its effect on satellite cells. Satellite cells are muscle stem cells that are essential for muscle repair and growth. When muscle fibers are damaged, satellite cells become activated, proliferate, and fuse with the damaged muscle fibers to promote repair and growth. Arachidonic acid-derived prostaglandins have been shown to play a role in the activation and proliferation of satellite cells, further supporting their importance in muscle growth.

IV. Optimizing Arachidonic Acid for Muscle Growth and Recovery

A. Balancing Omega-6 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

While arachidonic acid is essential for muscle growth and recovery, it's important to maintain a balance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. An imbalance can lead to chronic inflammation, which may have negative effects on overall health. Consuming foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, flaxseed, and walnuts, can help promote a healthy balance between these two types of fatty acids.

B. Combining Arachidonic Acid with Other Nutrients

In addition to arachidonic acid, other nutrients, such as protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, play crucial roles in muscle growth and recovery. Consuming a well-balanced diet that includes a full protein intake and variety of nutrient-dense foods can help ensure the body has the necessary resources to support these processes.

C. Timing of Arachidonic Acid Supplementation

The timing of arachidonic acid supplementation can also impact its effectiveness. Some research suggests that taking arachidonic acid supplements around 30 minutes to an hour before exercise may help maximize its potential benefits for muscle growth and recovery.

D. Arachidonic Acid and Exercise

Arachidonic acid plays a crucial role in the world of fitness, specifically in muscle growth and recovery. In this section, we'll explore how arachidonic acid contributes to these processes and the potential benefits for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike.

E. Arachidonic Acid Muscle Growth

Arachidonic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that is a key component in the production of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are signaling molecules that help regulate the inflammatory response in the body. While inflammation is often perceived as negative, it is actually a necessary component of the muscle repair and growth process.

When muscles are subjected to resistance training, microscopic damage occurs to the muscle fibers. This damage triggers an inflammatory response, signaling the body to initiate the muscle repair process. Arachidonic acid-derived prostaglandins play a critical role in this process by increasing blood flow to the damaged muscle tissue, delivering vital nutrients, and promoting the removal of waste products. This ultimately leads to muscle growth and increased strength over time.

F. Arachidonic Acid for Muscle Growth

Supplementing with arachidonic acid can help support muscle growth by providing the body with additional arachidonic acid to produce more prostaglandins. This can lead to an enhanced inflammatory response, potentially resulting in more efficient muscle repair and growth.

It's important to note that while arachidonic acid supplementation can support muscle growth, it is not a magic solution. A well-rounded fitness program, including resistance training and proper nutrition, is essential for maximizing muscle growth potential.

G. The Role of Arachidonic Acid in Muscle Recovery

In addition to promoting muscle growth, arachidonic acid also plays a key role in muscle recovery. As previously mentioned, the inflammatory response triggered by arachidonic acid-derived prostaglandins helps to deliver vital nutrients to damaged muscle tissue and remove waste products. This process supports the repair and rebuilding of muscle tissue, ultimately leading to improved recovery times.

By supplementing with arachidonic acid, individuals may experience enhanced muscle recovery, allowing them to return to their workouts more quickly and with less muscle soreness. This can lead to improved performance and a greater ability to progress in their training programs.

How can arachidonic Acid be used in bodybuilding?

AA or arachidonic acid also useful in building muscle and is mainly used for muscle building purposes. This supplement can be purchased in numerous different forms. Arachidonic acid supps are increasingly used in weight lifting. This is because the ingredient is natural and effective, so as a bodybuilder it is worth supplementing and improving your results and personal records. 

V. Do Arachidonic Acid Supplements work in conjunction with bodybuilding? 

Arachidonic acid supplements may work in conjunction with bodybuilding to support muscle growth, recovery, and overall performance. Some research suggests that arachidonic acid supplementation could lead to positive effects on strength, lean body mass, and muscle hypertrophy in resistance-trained individuals.

For example, a study by Roberts et al. (2007) found that resistance-trained males who took 1,000 mg of arachidonic acid daily for 50 days experienced significant improvements in bench press and leg press strength, lean body mass, anaerobic power, and muscle thickness compared to a placebo group.

Arachidonic Acid Supplements Strong Supplement Shop

VI. The Best Arachidonic Acid Supplements

The Best Arachidonic acid Supplements on the market today are: Ultimate R-Andro by Hard Rock Supplements and X-Gels by SNS. With Ultimate R-Andro leading the way with a very impressive dosage and formula, you can read the reviews below and see why users are wowed by the results. Furthermore these supplements are available at now. 

Ultimate R-Andro by Hard Rock SupplementsX Gels by Serious Nutrition Solutions

VII. Arachidonic Acid Supplementation: Choosing the Right Product

A. Identifying the Best Arachidonic Acid Supplement

With the growing popularity of arachidonic acid supplements, it's important to choose a high-quality product that meets individual needs. Some factors to consider when selecting the best arachidonic acid supplement include the source of arachidonic acid, the dosage, and any additional ingredients that may be included.

B. Reading Arachidonic Acid Supplement Reviews

Arachidonic acid supplement reviews can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and quality of different products. Reading reviews from other users can help individuals make informed decisions about which supplement may be the best fit for their goals and needs. It's important to keep in mind that individual results may vary, and what works well for one person may not necessarily work the same way for another. Here are some reviews of the Top Arachidonic Supplement: 

5-stars.pngIt delivers!!

I finished my bottle of this a few weeks ago. This run was nothing short of incredible!! The visible results in the mirror from day 1 to day 30 were highly noticeable! Energy, endurance, recovery, strength, size, libido. It was all there! I will, without a doubt, be running this again! Almost a little reminiscent of the good ol days of the "supplements" of the 90's...-Daniel

Ultimate R-Andro by Hard Rock Supplements

5-stars.pngGetting Ultimate!!

This product easily increased my strength as I was able to set a PR on my deadlifts. Because of the enhanced recovery and endurance, I was able to work out daily despite working a full time job as well. As a natty product, you can’t go wrong with this one. I believe in the product so much I bought two more bottles. This product is worth it! -Joe

Ultimate R-Andro by Hard Rock Supplements

C. Understanding Dosage and Safety

When selecting an arachidonic acid supplement, it's essential to consider the recommended dosage and any potential safety concerns. While arachidonic acid supplements are generally considered safe for most individuals when used according to the recommended dosages, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplementation, especially if there are any pre-existing health conditions or concerns.

VIII. How can Arachidonic acid supplements be used in bodybuilding

Arachidonic acid supplements can be used in bodybuilding to support muscle growth, recovery, and overall performance. Here are some ways to incorporate arachidonic acid supplements into a bodybuilding routine:

  1. Pre-workout supplementation: Take arachidonic acid supplements around 30 minutes to an hour before your workout. This timing helps to ensure that arachidonic acid is readily available to support the inflammatory response and muscle repair processes during and after your workout.
  2. Combine with other supplements: Arachidonic acid supplements can be used alongside other bodybuilding supplements, such as protein powders, creatine, and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). Combining these supplements can provide a comprehensive approach to muscle growth, recovery, and performance.
  3. Optimize your diet: To fully harness the benefits of arachidonic acid supplementation, it's crucial to maintain a balanced and nutrient-dense diet. Ensure that your diet includes an adequate balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, high-quality protein sources, and a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats.
  4. Progressive resistance training: Incorporate a well-structured resistance training program that focuses on progressive overload. This means gradually increasing the weight, volume, or intensity of your workouts over time, which stimulates muscle growth and helps you to make the most of arachidonic acid's benefits.
  5. Prioritize recovery: Arachidonic acid supports muscle repair and growth, so it's important to prioritize recovery in your bodybuilding routine. This includes getting enough sleep, incorporating rest days, and engaging in activities such as stretching, foam rolling, and massage to aid muscle recovery and reduce soreness.
  6. Monitor your progress: Track your progress in terms of muscle mass, strength, and performance to help determine the effectiveness of arachidonic acid supplementation in your bodybuilding routine. Make adjustments to your training, diet, and supplementation as needed to optimize results.
  7. Consult with a professional: Before starting any supplementation, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional or sports nutritionist, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or concerns. They can help you determine the appropriate dosage and ensure that arachidonic acid supplementation is safe and effective for your specific needs.

By incorporating arachidonic acid supplements into your bodybuilding routine, you can potentially enhance muscle growth, recovery, and overall performance, helping you reach your bodybuilding goals more effectively.

IX. Arachidonic Acid and its Impact on Other Aspects of Health

While the primary focus of this article is on arachidonic acid's role in fitness and supplementation, it's important to acknowledge its impact on other aspects of health as well.

A. Arachidonic Acid and Brain Health

Arachidonic acid is an essential component of brain cell membranes and plays a crucial role in maintaining the structure and function of neurons. It is also involved in the synthesis of various signaling molecules that are important for cognitive processes such as learning and memory. Ensuring adequate dietary intake of arachidonic acid through diet and supplementation may help support optimal brain health and cognitive function.

B. Arachidonic Acid and the Immune System

As previously discussed, arachidonic acid-derived prostaglandins play a key role in regulating inflammation, which is a critical component of the immune system's response to injury and infection. By supporting the production of these signaling molecules, arachidonic acid may help maintain a healthy immune system and ensure proper immune function.

C. Arachidonic Acid and Cardiovascular Health

The relationship between arachidonic acid and cardiovascular health is complex. While it is true that some arachidonic acid-derived prostaglandins can promote inflammation and blood clotting, which can be detrimental to cardiovascular health, others have protective effects against cardiovascular disease, such as vasodilation and inhibition of platelet aggregation. It's essential to maintain a balance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids to support overall cardiovascular health.

X. Precautions and Potential Side Effects of Arachidonic Acid Supplementation

As with any supplement, it's important to be aware of potential precautions and side effects associated with arachidonic acid supplementation.

A. Precautions

Individuals with pre-existing health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, or inflammatory disorders, should consult with a healthcare professional before starting arachidonic acid supplementation. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should also consult their healthcare provider before using arachidonic acid supplements, as the safety and efficacy of these supplements in this population have not been well-established.

B. Potential Side Effects

While arachidonic acid supplementation is generally considered safe for most individuals, some potential side effects may occur, such as gastrointestinal discomfort, bloating, or diarrhea. If you experience any adverse effects while using arachidonic acid supplements, discontinue use and consult your healthcare provider.

In summary, arachidonic acid plays a vital role not only in muscle growth and recovery but also in various aspects of overall health, including brain function, immune system support, and cardiovascular health. By understanding the potential benefits and precautions associated with arachidonic acid supplementation, individuals can make informed decisions about incorporating this essential fatty acid into their health and fitness routines.

XI. Arachidonic Acid in Plant-Based Diets

As more people adopt plant-based diets, it's essential to consider the role of arachidonic acid and its availability in plant-based foods.

A. Arachidonic Acid in Plant-Based Foods

While arachidonic acid is predominantly found in animal products, certain plant-based foods do contain essential fatty acids that can be converted into arachidonic acid within the body. Linoleic acid, an essential omega-6 fatty acid, can be converted into arachidonic acid through a series of enzymatic reactions. Foods rich in linoleic acid include vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds.

B. Supplementing Arachidonic Acid in Plant-Based Diets

Individuals following a plant-based diet may need to pay special attention to their arachidonic acid intake, as the conversion of linoleic acid to arachidonic acid can be less efficient in some individuals. In such cases, an arachidonic acid supplement derived from a plant-based source, such as fungal oil, may be considered to ensure adequate intake and support muscle growth and recovery.

C. Balancing Omega-6 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Plant-Based Diets

As with any diet, maintaining a healthy balance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids is crucial for overall health. Plant-based eaters should ensure that they consume adequate amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which can be found in foods such as flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and algae-based supplements.

XII. Sources of arachidonic acid from food sources

Arachidonic acid is predominantly found in animal-based products, especially those that are high in fat. Some common food sources include:

  1. Meat: Beef, pork, chicken, and turkey, particularly in the dark meat and fatty cuts.
  2. Eggs: Egg yolks are a rich source of arachidonic acid.
  3. Fish: Although not as high in arachidonic acid as other meats, certain fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, and herring, contain small amounts of arachidonic acid.
  4. Organ meats: Liver, kidney, and other organ meats from animals are rich in arachidonic acid.

For those following a plant-based diet, arachidonic acid is not directly available from plant sources. However, they can consume linoleic acid, an essential omega-6 fatty acid found in plant-based foods, which the body can convert to arachidonic acid. Some plant-based sources of linoleic acid include:

  1. Vegetable oils: Sunflower, safflower, corn, and soybean oils are rich in linoleic acid.
  2. Nuts: Walnuts, almonds, and pistachios contain significant amounts of linoleic acid.
  3. Seeds: Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds are good sources of linoleic acid.

XIII. Effects of Arachidonic acid supplementation on training adaptations in resistance-trained males

Arachidonic acid supplementation has been studied for its potential effects on training adaptations in resistance-trained males. A study by Roberts et al. (2007) investigated the impact of arachidonic acid supplementation on strength, body composition, and muscle hypertrophy in resistance-trained males over a 50-day period.

In this study, 31 healthy, resistance-trained males were randomly assigned to either a placebo group or an arachidonic acid supplementation group. The participants followed a structured resistance training program for eight weeks, with the arachidonic acid group receiving 1,000 mg of arachidonic acid daily.

Results of the study indicated that:

  1. Strength: The arachidonic acid supplementation group experienced significant improvements in their bench press and leg press one-repetition maximum (1RM) compared to the placebo group.
  2. Lean body mass: The arachidonic acid group showed a significant increase in lean body mass compared to the placebo group.
  3. Anaerobic power: The arachidonic acid group displayed a greater improvement in anaerobic power, as measured by the Wingate test, compared to the placebo group.
  4. Muscle thickness: The arachidonic acid group experienced greater increases in muscle thickness of the quadriceps compared to the placebo group.

These results suggest that arachidonic acid supplementation may have positive effects on strength, lean body mass, anaerobic power, and muscle thickness in resistance-trained males. However, it's important to note that this study has some limitations, such as the small sample size, and more research is needed to confirm and expand upon these findings.

Arachidonic acid supplementation may potentially enhance training adaptations in resistance-trained males, such as improvements in strength, lean body mass, and muscle hypertrophy. However, more research is needed to fully understand the extent of these effects and the optimal dosing and duration for supplementation. As always, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional or sports nutritionist before starting any supplementation, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or concerns.

Michael Roberts, 1st Mike Iosia, 2nd Chad M Kerksick, a third. 1st Lemw Taylor, 5th ed. : Bill Campbell ed. : Colin D Wilborn, 6th Travis H. Harvey

XIV. Arachidonic Acid and Athletic Performance

Apart from its role in muscle growth and recovery, arachidonic acid may also have potential implications for athletic performance. Let's explore how arachidonic acid may impact various aspects of muscle function and athletic performance.

A. Arachidonic Acid and Endurance

While research is limited, there is some evidence to suggest that arachidonic acid supplementation may have a positive effect on endurance exercise performance. One study found that supplementing with arachidonic acid resulted in improvements in maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and time to exhaustion during exercise. However, more research is needed to confirm these findings and understand the potential mechanisms involved.

B. Arachidonic Acid and Power Output

The impact of arachidonic acid on power output is not yet well-established. As arachidonic acid plays a role in muscle growth and recovery, it is possible that it may indirectly affect power output by contributing to increased muscle mass and strength. However, further research is necessary to determine the direct effects of arachidonic acid on both muscle power output, and athletic performance.

C. Arachidonic Acid and Exercise-Induced Muscle Soreness

Arachidonic acid's role in the inflammatory response may also have implications for exercise-induced muscle soreness (also known as delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS). Although the inflammatory response is necessary for muscle repair and growth, excessive inflammation can contribute to increased muscle soreness and hinder recovery. It is important to maintain a balance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids to help manage muscle inflammation and support optimal recovery.

XV. Final Thoughts

Arachidonic acid is a powerful essential fatty acid that plays a critical role in muscle growth, recovery, and overall health. Its potential benefits extend to athletic performance, with research suggesting possible implications for endurance, power output, and exercise-induced muscle soreness.

To fully harness the power of arachidonic acid, it is essential to adopt a well-rounded approach to nutrition weight training, strength training, and recovery. This includes maintaining a balanced diet, incorporating resistance training, ensuring adequate rest, and staying informed about the latest research and best practices surrounding arachidonic acid supplementation.

With dedication and consistency, individuals can utilize arachidonic acid to support their fitness goals, enhance athletic performance, and promote overall health and well-being.

XVI. Conclusion

Arachidonic acid is a vital component of muscle growth, recovery, and overall health, with a growing body of research supporting its role in fitness and dietary supplementation both. By understanding the science behind arachidonic acid, selecting a high-quality supplement, and considering the unique needs of plant-based diets, individuals can leverage the potential benefits of arachidonic acid to enhance their fitness goals and support overall health.

As the popularity of arachidonic acid supplements continues to rise, it's important to stay informed about the latest research and developments in this field. By staying up-to-date on the science and best practices surrounding arachidonic acid supplementation, fitness enthusiasts and athletes can continue to optimize their performance and achieve their desired results,

XVII. Frequently Asked Questions About Arachidonic Acid Supplements:

In this section, we'll address some common questions and concerns about arachidonic acid supplementation.

Q: Is arachidonic acid supplement good?

A: Arachidonic acid supplements can be good for individuals looking to improve muscle growth, recovery, and performance. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any supplementation.

Q: What do arachidonic acid supplements do?

A: Arachidonic acid supplements provide the body with additional arachidonic acid, which plays a critical role in muscle growth and recovery by promoting inflammation and supporting the repair process.

Q: Is taking arachidonic acid safe?

A: Taking arachidonic acid supplements is generally considered safe for most individuals when used according to the recommended dosages. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplementation.

Q: Is arachidonic acid good for building lean muscle mass?

A: Yes, arachidonic acid is good for building muscle as it plays a key role in the muscle repair and growth process, which ultimately leads to increased muscle mass.

Q: Is arachidonic acid good for muscle growth?

A: Yes, arachidonic acid is important for muscle growth as it helps to promote the inflammation response and support the repair process, leading to significantly increased in muscle mass over time.

Q: What is arachidonic acid in muscle growth?

A: Arachidonic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that plays a crucial role in muscle growth. It is a key component in the production of prostaglandins, which are signaling molecules that help regulate the inflammatory response, muscle repair, and growth processes.

Q: What are the benefits of arachidonic acid?

A: The benefits of arachidonic acid include improved muscle growth, enhanced recovery, increased muscle strength, and performance, and other health benefits such as supporting brain function and immune system health.

Q: How fast does arachidonic acid work?

A: The speed at which arachidonic acid works can vary depending on factors such as individual response, dosage, and the specific supplement being used. Some users may notice benefits within a few weeks, while others may take longer to see noticeable results.

Q: When should I take arachidonic acid?

A: It's generally recommended to take arachidonic acid supplements around 30 minutes to an hour before exercise to help support muscle growth and recovery. However, it's important to follow the specific dosing instructions provided by the manufacturer and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

Q: Is arachidonic acid supplement safe?

A: Arachidonic acid supplements are generally considered safe for most individuals when used according to the recommended dosages. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplementation, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or concerns.

Q: Does arachidonic acid supplement work?

A: Arachidonic acid supplements can be effective for promoting muscle growth, recovery, and performance in some individuals. However, individual results may vary, and it's important to consider factors such as diet, exercise, and overall lifestyle when evaluating the effectiveness of any supplement.


  1. Roberts, M. D., Iosia, M., Kerksick, C. M., Taylor, L. W., Campbell, B., Wilborn, C. D., ... & Kreider, R. B. (2007). Effects of arachidonic acid supplementation on training adaptations in resistance-trained males. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 4(1), 21.
  2. Calder, P. C. (2018). Eicosanoids. In Encyclopedia of Food Chemistry (pp. 381-388). Elsevier. 
  3. Fritsche, K. (2006). Fatty acids as modulators of the immune response. Annual Review of Nutrition, 26, 45-73. 
  4. Simopoulos, A. P. (2008). The importance of the omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio in cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 233(6), 674-688.
  5. Patterson, E., Wall, R., Fitzgerald, G. F., Ross, R. P., & Stanton, C. (2012). Health implications of high dietary omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2012.
  6. Calder, P. C. (2018). Arachidonic acid. In Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition (Third Edition), pp. 169-175. Academic Press.
  7. Markworth, J. F., & Cameron-Smith, D. (2013). Arachidonic acid supplementation enhances in-vitro skeletal muscle cell growth via a COX-2–dependent pathway. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, 304(1), C56-C67.
  8. Hulmi, J. J., & Ahtiainen, J. P. (2016). Potential role of arachidonic acid and COX-2 in exercise and muscle hypertrophy. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 26(10), 1108-1111. 
  9. Trappe, T. A., Liu, S. Z. (2013). Effects of prostaglandins and COX-inhibiting drugs on skeletal muscle adaptations to exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology, 115(6), 909-919. 

Remember, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any weight loss plan to ensure it's safe and appropriate for your needs. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary.

Written and Sponsored by Leonard Shemtob

Leonard Shemtob is President of Strong Supplements and a published author. Leonard has been in the supplement space for over 20 years, specializing in fitness supplements and nutrition. Leonard appears on many podcasts, written over 100 articles about supplements and has studied nutrition, supplementation and bodybuilding. 

Leonard's articles have been published in many top publications around the web. Leonard enjoys weight training, playing basketball and yoga, and also enjoys hiking. In his free time he studies and works on improving himself. For more detailed information, visit his official blog.

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