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Citrulline Malate by PrimaForce

  • Description
    Decrease fatigue, and increase your lean mass with Citrulline Malate by Primaforce!

    Citrulline Malate by PrimaForce

     Citrulline Malate has been clinically shown to naturally improve performance and promote lean mass gains! bring you quality supplements Primaforce is known for! We only sell the purest and most potent products on the Market! 

    Citrulline is an Amino Acid originally derived from watermelons! It has been shown to reduce muscle fatigue allowing you train harder and longer! 

    In addition to decreased fatigue, Citrulline Malate also increased blood flow and amino acid uptake to the skeletal muscle, promoting greater protein synthesis (muscle growth).

    Decrease fatigue, and increase your lean mass with Citrulline Malate by Primaforce! Increase your performance without the use of hormones! 

    Get the Purest and Most Potent Products on the Market today! Supplement with Citrulline Malate now! 




    -Supports Endurance

    -Potent Arginine Precursor

    -Supports Recovery

    -Increase Performance

    -Lean Mass Gains

    -Increased Blood Flow

    -Increased Amino Acid Uptake to Skeletal Muscles

    -Enhanced ATP Production

    -Increased Protein Synthesis

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Strong Supplement Shop encourages you to read reviews below from other Customers and hear their real world experience with this supplement in and out of the Gym. Reasearch is important but we also value the testimonials of individual results who actually used Citrulline Malate by PrimaForce and can describe how the supplement felt. *Individual results may vary