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Estrogenex Depot 90 ct by Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals

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  • Description
    Estrogenex Depot is an all natural supplement designed to promote the positive effects of healthy testosterone levels and prevent any of the negative effects due to excess estrogen levels.

    Estrogenex Depot by Hi- Tech Pharmaceuticals

    Testosterone is what turns boys into men! Many people consider this to be the fountain of youth, allowing men to feel young and strong again.

    However, testosterone has a dark shadow that follows it everywhere it goes. You may have guessed it, it's Estrogen.

    An over production of estrogen can have damaging side effects to a great physique, so it's time to put a stop to estrogen build up!

    Estrogenex Depot by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals is designed to naturally support healthy and balanced estrogen levels.

    Every man wants to have high testosterone levels due to the positive effects it has on muscle growth and libido. However, when the body has too much testosterone it naturally sends out a chemical called Aromatase, which converts your testosterone into estrogen.

    Estrogenex Depot not only naturally reduces estrogen but it also balances test levels reducing the conversion from testosterone to estrogen.

    This has several positive effects for any man looking to shed water and gain muscle!

    Contemplating running a prohormone cycle? Having a great estrogen blocker is a MUST to make sure your body is prepared to combat unwanted side effects!

    Stay protected at all times by supplementing few orange pills into your cycle and Post Cycle.

    Estrogenex Depot contains clinically reached and field tested ingredients to help support healthy, optimal testosterone and estrogen levels.

    estrogenex at

    Take control back of your sex hormones with this revolutionary Aromatase Inhibitor by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals!

    Key Benefits of Estrogenex Depot by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals:

    • Promotes Healthy Estrogen Levels
    • Helps Balance Testosterone Levels
    • Helps Reduce Water Retention
    • Great During On Cycle and PCT

    What are the active ingredients in Estrogenex Depot?

    Brassaiopsis Glomerulate Extract: This is an extract derived from leaves of the Brassaiopsis plant. This extract contains 13 isolated estrogen modulating compounds. These compounds work together to help regulate the body's amount of estrogen at one time. This compound is capable of inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, which allows testosterone to stay high without side effects.

    8-Bromo: Estrogenex Depot Contains one of the best natural aromatase inhibitors, 8-bromo. When your body tries to convert testosterone into estrogen this compound steps in and helps prevents this conversion. This allows your body to reduce the amount of testosterone that is converted by binding to the aromotase enzyme and helps keep your testosterone levels high for maximum muscle growth. However, this is not a permanent binding and later hormone production goes back to normal. 8-Bromo controls estrogen through modulation of estrogen metabolism. 8-Bromo is a chrysin analog that helps the poor bio availability of orally ingested chrysin. Studies also suggest this compound supports better sleep quality and an increased sexual drive.

    Epiandrosterone: This ingredient is a derivative of DHEA, and can be found naturally occurring in pine pollen. Epiandrosterone is a precursor to Stanolone, also known as Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT works to lower the amount of estrogen circulating in the blood which supports decreases in body fat and water retention.

    Dimethyl ether: has shown to boost free testosterone levels through inhibition of SHBG. SHBG is your sex hormone that is produced mainly in the liver. Increasing free testosterone supports muscle growth and healthy libido.

    Stinging Nettle Extract: A plant used to help improve bone and teeth strength. Supplementing Stinging Nettle may also increase muscle strength and quality of your muscle. Stinging Nettle is also found in medicine used for urination problems related to enlarged prostate. This ingredient may help decrease inflammation and increase urine output. This ingredient is added to Estrogenex Depot because it provides two complementary pathways involved estrogen modulation and free testosterone.

    Estrogenex Depot at

    To learn more about Epiandrosterone please view the Epiandrosterone Information page

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

    This product is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose, or prevent any disease. This product should not be used in place of or as a substitute for recommendations by your healthcare professional. No clinical study has been performed on Estrogenex Depot. These statements are based upon the active ingredients: Brassaiopsis glomerulata, N-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine methyl ester, 7,8-benzoflavone, 8-bromo- 7-methoxychrysin, 9-hydroxy-alpha-naphthoflavone, Coumestrol, Indole-3-carbinol, and Stinging nettle.

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  • Supplement Facts Panel
    Estrogenex Depot 90 ct by Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Ingredients

    Estrogenex Depot by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals - Supplement Facts

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary.

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