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Hottie Assist by Psycho Pharma

  • Description
    Reveal The Toned & Sexiest You With Hottie Assist by Psycho Pharma!

    Hottie Assist by Psycho Pharma

    Reveal The Toned & Sexiest You That’s Hiding Underneath.

    You have put a lot of work into looking good and developing your physique, now put Hottie Assist to work to help you strip the fat away and show off your curves.

    Hottie Assist looks to serve you in more than one way with its 2-in-1 30 day fat loss formula.

    It first helps to send your body into fat loss overdrive with improved energy levels, mood, appetite suppression and then finishes it all off with a 7 day watershed to help reduce bloating to fully unveil your your curves and invigorate your confidence.

    Drop the pounds that have been covering up your curves with the help of Hottie Assist!

    Get it now!

    Key Benefits of Hottie Assist:

    - 2 Products In 1: Fat Burner + Diuretic*

    - Promotes Fat Loss*

    - Helps Reduce Water Weight & Bloating*

    - Helps Improve Mood*

    - Helps Increase Energy*

    - Helps Curb Cravings*

    - Helps Improve Focus*

    Key Ingredients of Hottie Assist:

    Caffeine Anhydrous:  Caffeine has several benefits and is a stimulant found in almost all fat burners. As the body metabolizes caffeine it increases lipolysis, the breakdown of fat, which decreases fat stored all over the body. Caffeine also helps with suppressing appetite therefore lowering the number of calories you intake daily. Caffeine acts as a mild diuretic, preventing water retention and ultimately leading to some weight loss by reduction of fluid retention. This ingredient is added to enhance mental alertness and focus. Caffeine works by stimulating the central nervous system, heart, and muscles.

    Panthergy™:  One of the most potent excitatory neurotransmitters in the brain. The ingredient helps to increase your mood, sense of well-being, and focus helping produce a euphoric feeling.

    Synephrine hcl:  his compound is found in a variety of plants. Synephrine hcl activates beta-3 receptors. Which sends the body into a thermogenic state. Over time this thermogenic state will aid in fat loss.

    Theobromine:  is a bitter alkaloid of the cacao plant and is a vasodilator (a blood vessel widener), a diuretic and heart stimulant.

    Halostachine:  is a natural product known to have similar effects to synephrine and the alkaloid ephedrine.

    Rauwolscine:  is also known Yohimbe. Rauwolscine is a central nervous system stimulant. Yohimbe is a vasodilator, which increases your blood flow. Yohimbe is also known to help decrease fat synthesis by increasing fatty acid mobilization. Yohimbine can also support well-being and mood, and suppress appetite.

    Dandelion root extract:  Is used to increase urine flow, which will cure that puffy, bloated feeling. It has also shown to cleanse and shed excess water weight. Dandelion Root can support weight loss, however, this should not be used long-term! Typical use is a 7-day period once per month.

    Reveal The Toned & Sexiest You With Hottie Assist! Get It Now!

    Warnings: Before ingesting this product you should consult your doctor if you are not aware of your current health status or if you have any medical condition including, but not limited to: diabetes, high or low blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, strike; diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver or thyroid gland; anxiety, history of seizures, depression, any psychiatric ailment, pernicious anemia or other blood disorders, prostate enlargement.This product is intended for adults 18-50 years of age only. Keep out of the reach of children.

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.

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