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Humapro by ALR Industries

$49.95 - $49.99
  • Description
    Lactose intolerant and in need of a high quality protein? Look no further

    Humapro by ALR Industries


    Looking for a high quality protein alternative to whey or casein? Maybe you are lactose intolerant? Look no further, you just found your new favorite protein! 


    Humapro by ALRI was designed specifically for you in mind! It's even Vegan Friendly! It's made with no dairy or animal products yet still contains 25 grams of high quality, super concentrated protein per serving! 


    Get the same high quality, muscle building protein as animal proteins for a fraction of the cost!


    The compounds in Humapro by ALRI have been specifically chosen for optimal absorption, meaning your muscles get every ounce of protein you consume! 


    Humapro will get you the results you want, and do so ina healthy and enviromentally friendly way.


    Get the newest standard in protein at today! 




    -100% Absorbed & 99% Utilized by the Human Body

    -Optimal Amino Acid ratio for human absorption

    -Produces virtually zero waste

    -Outperforms whey protein lean mass gains by 501%

    -Nets under 1 calorie per serving (only 0.004 calories per gram)

    -Promotes Nutrient Repartitioning

    -Helps keep blood glucose levels stable

    -Vegan friendly

    -Gluten, Soy, Sugar & Lactose free

    -100% pre-digested, no gastrointestinal discomfort or bloating





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Strong Supplement Shop encourages you to read reviews below from other Customers and hear their real world experience with this supplement in and out of the Gym. Reasearch is important but we also value the testimonials of individual results who actually used Humapro by ALR Industries and can describe how the supplement felt. *Individual results may vary