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Jetfuel T-300 by GAT Supplements

  • Description
    Jetfuel T-300 - Dual Thermogenesis-Testosterone Catalyst!!

    Jetfuel T-300 by GAT Supplements

    Discover The Vehicle To Cutting Your Body Fat Without Losing Muscle Mass.

    Cutting your calories does result in fat loss, but it also results in a loss of testosterone, which ultimately leads to you losing muscle as well.

    Not anymore! The days of 2 steps forward, 1 step backwards are over!

    Drop fat and only that with a boost in your metabolism and your testosterone with Jetfuel T-300 by GAT Supplements!

    Melt away your stubborn body fat with a thermogenic blend of ingredients featuring 300 mg of caffeine and 37.5 mg of Yohimbe!

    Support your muscle mass, testosterone levels and libido with one of the most researched testosterone boosting agents, Tribulus Terrestris.

    Take a step in the right direction....

    Retain your gains and put fat in pain with Jetfuel T-300! Get it Now!

    Key Benefits of Jetfuel T-300:

      - Helps Boost Energy Levels*

      - Supports Fat Loss*

      - Helps Boost Testosterone Levels*

      - Helps Boost Libido*

      - Helps Increase Strength*

      - Helps Improve Mental Focus*  

      - Helps Put The Body Into A Thermogenic State*

      - Helps Suppress Appetite*

    Key Ingredients of Jetfuel T-300:

    Caffeine Anhydrous: Caffeine Anhydrous is a pure and potent form of caffeine that makes it easier to achieve high levels of training intensity. Caffeine also boosts thermogenesis, which causes your body to burn fat faster.

    Tribulus Terrestris: Tribulus Terrestris is an herb that supports the natural release of and production of Testosterone. Tribulus also supports the growth of lean mass, aids in muscle breakdown, and will help boost your libido. After your cycle your test levels will be depleted and Tribulus will help boost them back up!

    Citrus Aurantium: Also known as bitter orange and Synephrine, this ingredient helps to increase the amount of calories burned during the digestion of food.

    Yohimbe Extract: An alpha-2 adrenergic receptor antagonist to promote the improved lipolysis Yohimbe is the name of the evergreen tree. The yohimbe tree bark contains a chemical compound called yohimbine, which is used to make medicine and increase metabolism. Yohimbine increases the blood flow throughout the body. Yohimbe is also known to help decrease fat synthesis by increased fatty acid mobilization. Yohimbe Extract can also support well being and mood, suppress appetite and can lead to improved libido and sexual performance in males.

    Keep Your Muscle Mass While You Kick Fat’s Ass With Jetfuel T-300! Get It Now!

    Jetfuel T-300 at Strong Supplement ShopWarnings: NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY PERSONS UNDER AGE 18. DO NOT EXCEED RECOMMENDED DOSE. Each serving (3 Capsules) contains approximately 300 mg of Caffeine. Do not exceed recommended dose. Do not consume caffeine or stimulants from other sources, including but not limited to, coffee, tea, soda, and other dietary supplements or medications. Consult your physician prior to use particularly if you are taking medication. Consult your physician prior to use if you have any medical condition, including, but not limited to cardiovascular health, high blood pressure or any health issue. Discontinue 2 weeks prior to surgery or if you experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, severe headache or shortness of breath. Do not use while pregnant, nursing or trying to become pregnant. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.

    * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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