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Tribesterone by Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals

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  • Description
    Supercharge your testosterone with the gold standard of Tribulus, Tribesterone by Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals!

    Tribesterone by Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals

    • Clinically Researched Tribulus Terrestris

    • 2100% Greater Active Ingredient than Competition

    • Increase Muscle Mass

    • Improve LH & Testosterone Response

    • Improved Erectile Ability

    Tribesterone® contains the clinically tested ingredient Tribulus Terrestris that supports increases in free testosterone levels in adult males. Hi-Tech’s R&D department has tested many Tribulus raw materials and typically the Chinese and Indian Tribulus extracts with label claim content of 60-90% saponins according to the Bulgarian spectrophotometric assay test will only be 0.5-5%, which is a staggering difference. Hi-Tech's Tribesterone® is standardized at 60% furostanol saponins with a minimum of 40% protodioscin.  

    Tribesterone® has shown to improve erectile abilities in isolated tissues and elevated mood. It is believed to increase the concentration of androgen receptors, causing an increase in sensitivity to androgens like testosterone and DHT via the release of nitric oxide. There is also significant increases in the levels of the hormones - testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH) and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) meaning more muscle growth and strength faster than ever before.

    • Tribesterone® contains 100mg of Protodioscin - 2100% more than the competition.

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  • Supplement Facts Panel
    Tribesterone by Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals Ingredients

    Tribesterone by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals - Supplement Facts

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary.

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