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Virtus by Iron Legion

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  • Description
    Arm yourself against estrogen and reach the peak of your physique with Virtus by Iron Legion.

    Virtus by Iron Legion


    Bring Your Definition To Fruition!


    Have your muscles been stuck in hiding due to body fat and water weight?


    Well the culprit is estrogen.


    Virtus is your premium weapon against estrogen, a product whose key ingredient in studies has been shown to be up to 10x more potent than the now banned estrogen blocker formestane!

    With the support of Virtus your estrogen levels will decrease helping you to reduce body fat and water weight while helping to increase your definition, strength, libido, and even your testosterone levels.
    It's time to reach the prime of your physique..

    Reveal your muscles with Virtus! Get it now!


    Key Benefits of Virtus:


      - Helps Reduce Estrogen*

      - Helps Boost Testosterone*

      - Helps Increase Muscle Hardness*

      - Supports Fat Loss*

      - Helps Prevent Muscle Loss*

      - Helps Increase Vascularity

      - Helps Boost Libido*

      - Helps Improve Mood*

      - Helps Reduce Water Retention*

      - Helps Increase Strength*


    Virtus Key Ingredient Explained:


    7-hydroxy-4-imidazolyl-flavan: A flavan derivative which is structurally similar to epicatechin, naringenin, and related compounds. Flavans such as this are naturally occurring in nature and commonly found in tea and chocolate. Studies on 7-hydroxy-4-imidazolyl-flavan have demonstrated tremendous aromatase inhibitory potency at a staggering 127x more potent than amino-gluthemid and up to 10x more potent than the recently banned Forme - stane.


    Arm yourself against estrogen and reach the peak of your physique with Virtus!

    Get it now!

    KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. This product is intended for adults only. Not for use for anyone under 21 years of age, pregnant or nursing women. If you have had a medical condition or are currently using prescription drugs consult your physician before using this product. Avoid this product if you have any previous history of medical dysfunction or disease including but not limited to kidney disease. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur.

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. ALWAYS consult your physician before use.

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  • Supplement Facts Panel
    Virtus by Iron Legion Ingredients

    Virtus by Iron Legion - Supplement Facts

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary.

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Strong Supplement Shop encourages you to read reviews below from other Customers and hear their real world experience with this supplement in and out of the Gym. Reasearch is important but we also value the testimonials of individual results who actually used Virtus by Iron Legion and can describe how the supplement felt. *Individual results may vary